Actress Katrina Kaif, who has finally opened up to the media, made light of Kareena and Ranbir Kapoor's conversation on Koffee with Karan, by saying whatever they said was a joke.She said this during the press conference of Dhoom: 3, which is set to hit the screens on December 20. Asked how she reacted to Kareena's comment on Koffee with Karan where Kareena said she would dance to Katrina's hit songs at Ranbir's wedding, Katrina said: "Kareena and Ranbir are cousins so they pull each other's legs.
There is no such thing like that. They said it as a joke. I don't think they were serious." She was then asked on which song would she perform at Ranbir's wedding, to which Katrina said: "If for some reason, I have to dance on a song at Ranbir's wedding, I would dance on the Besharamsong." Reacting to Ranbir's statement that Katrina is a special person in his life and he would like to give his life for her, she said: "I would like to give my life to anyone who needs and who is a dear friend. If Ranbir is ever in need, I will definitely be there for him."
Additionally, the actress says she has no plans to get married for the next 20 to 30 years. She said, "It's final and lock it. I am not getting married to anyone right now for the next 20 to 30 years."