OMG! Kareena Kapoor, Saif Ali Khan – A Disappointed Couple?
OMG! Kareena Kapoor, Saif Ali Khan – A Disappointed Couple?
Sad but true . , Saif Ali Khan and Kareena Kapoor both disappointed and his films have done well at the box office are broken hearted way . This is exactly why they have left the country for some time . Saif and Kareena normally either in London or Switzerland to take their winter vacation . But this time they have chosen a new destination : Romania . Also , around Christmas and New Year , Saif and Kareena are both busy with his shooting schedule and will therefore take longer breaks . Where it is placed opposite Hrithik Roshan, Kareena Kapoor Bombay Shuddhi it will be busy with the Samurai , while Saif , Sajid Khan to meet Humshakals and Kabir Khan's apparition . Having said the above , let us tell you the real reason:

Saif Ali Khan Bullett king failed to click with the audience and box office is almost a dead horse . Kareena and Saif have been killed them both calls have been inundated with by professional disaster . And they just went away for a romantic getaway so to avoid all this , says a close friend of the couple . Kareena Kapoor to try to contact us , so we all got ' going on a three week vacation , " a text that was read . This is exactly the kind of things happen . These films did not work , his upcoming projects we are quite sure what will happen next .
Now , what we can say ?