Adult star-turned-Bollywood actress Sunny Leone who is awaiting the release of her next flick 'Jackpot' which also has southern actor Bharath making his Bollywood debut was in Chennai a few days ago for a promotional event. The sexy bomb termed her first time visit to the city an exciting one and was bowled over by the tropical looking city.The sexy lady sizzled at the event and was all smiles. After her visit to Chennai, Sunny Leone tweeted "First time in Chennai. This is soexciting!! Very tropical looking! Had a nice visit in Chennai and now off to Bangalore! So much fun traveling all over India."
' Jackpot', which is directed by Kaizad Gustad, will be released on December 13. Another interesting thing about this movie is the fact that Sunny Leone will be mouthing dialogues on her own, without any aid from a dubbing artist.