Octavia Spencer isn't the only female face of this awards season who is perfectly fine without kids.
Shortly after the Fruitvale Station star revealed to The Hollywood Reporter that she's content with the fact that her "eggs are dying on the shelf," Oprah Winfrey spoke to the same magazine and explained that she, too, does not regret a life without her own children. "If I had kids, my kids would hate me," Winfrey, 59, told THR. "They would have ended up on the equivalent of the Oprah show talking about me; because something [in my life] would have had to suffer and it would've probably been them."
Winfrey – who, at 14 gave birth to a baby who only lived for a number of weeks – said her attitude towards having more children has essentially been the same since her childhood best friend Gayle King, who's still her best friend today, had very different hopes and dreams.
"Gayle [now a mother of two] was the kind of kid who, in seventh grade home ec class, was writing down her name and the names of her children," Winfrey explained. "While she was having those kind of daydreams, I was having daydreams about how I could be Martin Luther King."
Still, Winfrey, one of the richest women on the planet and the first African-American female billionaire – who earned a Screen Actors Guild nomination Wednesday for her scene-stealing work in Lee Daniels' The Butler – said she does have plans to slow down her career.